Fanmade:Shadow Spells Skill Tree - Diablo Wiki
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Fanmade:Shadow Spells Skill Tree

Revision as of 12:50, 16 November 2009 by Veskin7 Bukito (talk | contribs)
  • Stun Blast

The mage raises her hand and on the cursor position a white sphere appears and grows in less than half a second to up to 3 meters diameter. Its center is like a white star. The sphere affects nearby enemies in its range by scattering them, knocking them down and stunning them for a while. Enemies that are higher level will not be affected, so add points to the skill. After the sphere has grown its center starts to shine and there are white rays that move from its edges to center. Then the sphere with the rays shrinks to center and disappears. A similar spell was shown in one episode of The Legend Of The Seeker serial - the one with the magical maps. If you accuse me for plagiarism I will accept your critique, but I did everything possible to make the spell look different.

The spell costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the stun duration, the chance to affect higher level enemies and the diameter of the sphere will also increase /up to 3,5 meters/.

  • Shadow Nova

This Nova looks pretty much like the classical Sorceress skill, but it comes from the waist of the mage and its color is violet. The Shadow Nova affects the enemies by dealing some magical damage, but its main thing is that it steals mana. The more enemies in the range, the more mana stolen. Costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the magical damage and the mana stolen per enemy. Its range also increases.