Softshack, sometimes also known as Hardcastle, is a well known Diablo 3 community Fan Artist in the Diablo fan art community.
Softshack first entered the Diablo fan art scene in late August 2008 when he entered and won the fan art contest on[1] with his female Barbarian named. He had previously created the "Barbarian Girl" on a Nintendo DS as a part of the DS Colors [2] community.
The next major contribution was after the Unburied was announced [3] in February 2009. Softshack worked on and released a fan art sketch of it that also was included in the Fan Art Watch no 3[4].
Various fan artwork that Softshack has created.
Fan Art
This is a collection of fan art that Softshack had made over time.
Digitally Painted
See also: Kid on the Block