Dune Thresher

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3D-model of the Thresher.
Dune Threshers are Animals.

Dune Threshers are apparently mostly located north of Caldeum, which would imply that the game will take us to the surrounding desert areas. They are the croco-sharks of the sand, and is a great threat to anyone wandering in the desert. Well, besides heroes like the average player in Diablo III. Above two primary front legs these beasts are equipped with a second pair of appendage in the form of gigantic talons that supplement its leap-and-bite attack. The beasts are very fast and most dangerous.


The following is en excerpt written by Abd al-Hazir, when out in the Tardein wastes with thresher-hunter Franklin Burroughs: [1]

Long ago driven away from settled locales to the deep desert wastes of the Borderlands, the dune thresher is rarely seen by city dwellers. Every so often, however, whether due to injury or old age, one of these unholy beasts ventures to the edge of civilization to feast on the frail human animal.
Ever viler screams shot forth, cutting through my head like cold, sharp blades. But they were nothing to the sound I heard next – the deathly churning of sand that heralded the arrival of the thresher.


Dune Threshers have a symbiotic relationship with some sort of small, screeching animal. This is described in the Dune Thresher story info on the official site.[2]

I quickly (and quietly) moved back from the edge of the rocks. And then I heard the screeching. Burroughs had retrieved a large object, a cage of some kind, covered with a black tarp. This cage was the source of the hellish emanations. Thick ropes hung down from somewhere deep beneath its dark shroud. "That's not far enough," he said. As if to prove his point, he shook the cage he was holding. Ever viler screams shot forth, cutting through my head like cold, sharp blades. But they were nothing to the sound I heard next – the deathly churning of sand that heralded the arrival of the thresher.
"Their sound riles a thresher up something fierce. Better get them into the sand before we have company up here." With that, he tore the cover off the cage. The shock of seeing what was contained within overwhelmed me immediately. Everything seemed to wash together in a kind of bland, sickening grayness, and my knees buckled.

