Difference between revisions of "Reference"
From Diablo Wiki
(→C) |
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* Chan? - Go to channel. | * Chan? - Go to channel. | ||
* Char - Character. | * Char - Character. | ||
+ | * CP - [[Checkpoint]]. The save points reached at the start of most dungeon levels in D3. | ||
* Closed - Closed Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on a Battle.net Server. | * Closed - Closed Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on a Battle.net Server. | ||
* clvl - Character Level. | * clvl - Character Level. | ||
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* CU - Cursed | * CU - Cursed | ||
* cya - See you. | * cya - See you. | ||
− | |||
==D== | ==D== |
Revision as of 14:18, 25 June 2009
An uber list of abbreviations and acronyms specifically related to Diablo III. Some common online chat/forum usage terms are included as well. This list will grow greatly once the game is released and players start to create more short hand references. Many terms have links to pages that explain them in greater detail.
- See the original D2 A&A list for many, many more such terms related to Diablo II.
- 1337 - Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An overused term now usually used ironically or sarcastically.
- 1H - one-handed weapon
- 2H - two-handed weapon
- abc/ddd - abc being the game name - ddd is the password
- AC - armour class
- afaic - As far as I'm concerned.
- afaics - As far as I can see.
- afaik - As far as I know
- afk - Away From keyboard
- Amu (Ammy) - Amulet
- AoE - Area of Effect. A spell that targets an area.
- ASAP - As soon as possible.
- Atm - At the Moment.
- ATMA - Single player muling utility, that includes a very useful drop calculator
- B.net (Bnet) - Battle.net. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II.
- B/O - Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill
- Baba (Barb) - Barbarian.
- BBL - Be Back Later
- BBS - Be back soon
- Big D - Diablo (the boss monster himself.)
- BIN - Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.
- Blk - Block.
- bm - bad manners. Indicating a PvP ruleset
- boost - rush, turbo. To
- Bp - Breakpoint. A mark at which something improves.
- Brb - Be right back.
- Brt - Be right there.
- Btc - Back to channel.
- BTS - Blizzard Technical Support.
- btw - By the way
- BvB - Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.
- BvC - Barbarian v Caster (pvp)
- C/O - Current Offer. Used in trading items.
- CD (CDam, CDmg) - Cold Damage
- CE - Cold Enchanted.
- Cg (grats) gz - Congratulations.
- Chan? - Go to channel.
- Char - Character.
- CP - Checkpoint. The save points reached at the start of most dungeon levels in D3.
- Closed - Closed Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on a Battle.net Server.
- clvl - Character Level.
- CM - Community Member
- CM - Council Member
- CO - Current Offer
- Coop (Co-op) - Co-operative play.
- CR (CRes) - Cold resistance.
- Crit - Critical Hit. A blow that deals double damage + other effects, depending on damage type. May occur with all damage types in D3, while it was only from physical damage in D2.
- CtC - chance to cast
- CTH - Chance to Hit.
- CU - Cursed
- cya - See you.
- D - Diablo
- D2 - Diablo II
- D2C - Diablo 2 classic.
- D2X - Lord of Destruction Diablo 2 expansion.
- Dam - Damage
- DD - Don't die
- Def - Defense
- Desynch - refers to desynchronizing with the server. That way, you appear to be somewhere other than your actual location on the opponent's screen. It is usually done by some form of very rapid movement. Note that instant movement (such as teleport) won't do this, and will in fact resynch with the server.
- DEX - Dexterity.
- DL - deadline in a trade EG DL10 = 10 hours before close
- dii - dii.net. A D2 reference and forum site
- Dii.net - Diabloii.net. #1 Fan site of Diablo 2 and a source of vast information.
- diii - dii.net. A D2 reference and forum site
- Diii.net - Diabloii.net. #1 Fan site of Diablo 2 and a source of vast information.
- ding - Player announcing they've just leveled. (For the sound effect that's heard.)
- ding - Sound of a ring/amulet dropping. (Mostly used in Diablo I, where that sound was very distinctive and thrilling.)
- DIS - Desperately in search of
- Dmg - Damage
- DOT - Damage Over Time.
- DPA - Damage Per Attack.
- DPS - Damage Per Second.
- Dropping (of items) - The act of entering a game to present any player in that game with items as freely given gifts, to be distributed among the players in the game as they see fit.
- dupe - an item which has been duplicated.
- ED - Enhanced Defense. A mod that increases defense on an item.
- ED/IAS - Enhanced Damage/IAS. Typically refers to a rare combination of mods on a jewel.
- EF - Extra Fast.
- eg - exempli gratia (Latin). Used to mean 'for example'.
- ENE (ENG. ERG) - Energy.
- ES - Extra Strong.
- ETF - European Trade Forum.
- exp - Experience
- EZPK - easy player kill, killing another player usually by ambushing them
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.
- FB - Fireball. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
- fb - Fire Bolt. Sorceress fire tree attack skill.
- FBR - Faster block rate
- FCR - Faster cast rate.
- FD (FDam, FDmg) - Fire damage.
- FE - Fire enchanted
- FHR - Faster Hit Recovery
- FI - Fire Immune.
- Flaming - Making a personal attack or insulting remark, intended to incite anger.
- Fpa - Frames per Attack
- FPS - Frames per second (command needed /fps)
- FR (FRes) - Fire Resistance.
- FRW - Faster Run/Walk.
- FT - For trade or Fast Trade (BIN) depending on realm
- FTW - for the win
- FWIS - For what it is worth.
- FYI - For your information.
- gfi - Go for it
- gg - good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean good gear. Anything good really
- Gj - Good job.
- Gl - Good luck.
- gosu - godly or awesome. Very good
- grush - glitched rush, where an attempt to rush a low level character has gone awry.
- gtg - Good to go (or Got to go)
- H - Hell. Third and last difficulty of Diablo 1 and 2.
- HC - Hard Core. One death and game over
- Hot - Warning that a portal is dangerous to enter
- HP - Hit Points.
- i.e. - That is, for example. (id est in Latin).
- ID - Identify.
- IIRC - If I recall correctly
- Ilvl - Item Level.
- IMHO - In my humble/honest opinion.
- IMO - In my opinion
- Ind - Indestructible.
- Inv - Inventory.
- ISO - in search of
- j/k - Just kidding.
- k - Okay
- kk - ok
- KA - Kick ass (very good)
- KB - Knockback
- L - Ladder. (Usually seen in trade Forums)
- l337 - Elite
- LD (LDam, LDmg) - Lightning damage.
- LE - Lightning Enchanted.
- Leeching - Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game)
- Leech - (noun) One who leeches. (Experience or items from other, more active players. Usually a derogatory term.)
- Leech - (verb) Life or Mana steal.
- legit - legitimate item, not a dupe
- LHC - ladder hard core
- LI - Lightning immune
- LL - Life Leech.
- LL - The Lurker Lounge. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.
- LLD - Low level dueling. PvP dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options.
- lmao - laughing my rear off
- LoD - Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion. Also referred to as D2X.
- LOL - Laughs out loud
- LR - Lightning resistance
- LSC - ladder soft core
- LTB - Looking to Buy
- LTT - Looking To Trade
- Lvl - Level
- Max - Maximum
- MD (MDam, MDmg) - Magic Damage.
- Merc - Mercenary.
- MF - Magic Find.
- MI - Magic Immune.
- MiC - Meet in Channel (also MiP
- Min - Minimum.
- ML - Mana Leech
- MLD - Mid Level Duel. Characters used for dueling at a set maximum level to limit their skill and equipment use. See also vLLD and LLD.
- mlvl - Monster Level.
- Mod - Modifier. Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charm.
- Mod - Moderator. A member responsible for moderating a forum or channel.
- Mod - Modified game version of Diablo 2. (allowing varied game play of an old favorite)
- Moron - Mercernary
- MP - Market Place. Trading site for D2 at market.diabloii.net.
- MP - Multi -Player.
- MP - Mana Points.
- MPK - Mana per kill
- MR - Magic Resistant.
- msg - message
- Mules - characters used to store extra items
- Muling - moving items from one character to another for storage or onto a character to be used. Either mules or ATMA (D2 single player only)
- N00b - Newb. Nub. Newbie. Newcomer to the game. (generally used as an insult)
- nbd - No big deal
- NDE - Near Death Experience (when a character JUST manages to escape a very dangerous situation)
- Nerf - Generally refers to spells or weapons that have their effectiveness reduced in a patch.
- Newb - Newbie. Newcomer to the game. (often used as an insult)
- NG - New Game/Next Game
- NL - non -ladder (also NLSC, NLHC [see HC, SC#2])
- NM - Nightmare. The second level of difficulty in Diablo 1 and 2.
- Nm (nvm) - Never mind.
- Norm - Normal. Usually refers to the first level of difficulty in Diablo II.
- No -Twink (Untwinked) - No-twink groups and players use and equip only what they find specifically with that character, rather than bringing in items found by others.
- NP - No Problem.
- NPC - Non-Player Character.
- NR - Natural Resistance. A Barbarian mastery to increase resistance to magic damage
- Nr=Nt - No Response means No Thanks.
- NRG - Energy
- NTC - No Title Char for acquiring SoJs in classic CS
- OMG - Oh my god
- Open - Open Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on your computer. D2 only.
- os - open socket
- OT - Off Topic
- OTF - Off-Topic Forum
- OTOH - On the other hand
- Parked/parking - having a monster follow you to a certain point and then runing away fast enough to leave it there
- PC - Price Check. This means they want to know how much something is worth
- PD (PDam, PDmg) - Poison Damage.
- PDR - Physical Damage Reduction
- perm - a FAKE way of making a duped item not poof. They don't work, don't ask
- perm a game: holding a game open for five minutes so it says there when you leave. Often used for muling
- pi - physical or poison immune
- PK - Player killing. Usually associated with ambushing players to kill them. A form of PvP not to be confused with dueling.
- PKK - Player Killer Killer. A player who kills player killers.
- PMH - Prevent Monster Heal
- poof - have an item disappear
- Pots - Potions
- PP - Party please.
- pr - poison resist
- PR (PRes, PsnRes) - Poison resistance.
- Psn - Poison.
- Purist - Characters who only use items they found themselves. No trading, transfering of items from other characters, or Magic Finding.
- PvE - Player versus Environment. Also PvM.
- PvM - Player versus Monster. Also PvE.
- PvP - Player v Player combat. Dueling. Not to be confused with PKing.
- PW - Password.
- QFT - quoted for truth; what s/he said is correct
- qlvl - quality level
- r - Ready. This is the standard signal among players in a group before triggering a monster urn/shrine or entering a particularly treacherous area.
- R/W - Run Walk
- read - usually in trade games. e.g., "UM 4 read" means for details read the description
- Rec - Recovery.
- Regen - Regeneration.
- Rejuv - Rejuvenation Potion.
- Req - Requirement.
- Res - Resistance.
- rl - Real life (the messy and often unpleasant world found away from the computer screen)
- Rlvl - Required Level
- ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
- RtM - Read the Manual
- run - to repeatedly kill monsters in a certain area or a boss in an effort to find items. (Usually done with magic find.
- Rush - Also turbo. To use a high level character to assist a lower level character(s) in moving quickly through the game.
- S/E - Save and exit. Usually to avoid an untimely death. Considered poor form in some circles, usually Hardcore
- S/S - Sword/Shield.
- SC - Soft Core. Non-Hardcore characters.
- script - descriptions, usually in trade games, e.g., "UM 4 script" means for details read the description
- Sec - Hang on a second
- Single Passs : going through the game without re-running an area
- slivering - taking a moster down to the bare minimum of health before killing, usually with some other weapon for greater magic find benefit.
- Slow - Slows Target. Item mod that slows enemies
- Slvl - Skill Level
- Sorc (Soso, Socer) - Sorceress. D2 character.
- SP - Single Player. Usually refers to single-player mode.
- Spec - Spectral Hit.
- SPF - Single Player Forum
- SPTF - Single Player Trade Forum
- SPoints - Skill Points.
- Stam - Stamina.
- Storing - Transferring items from one in-game character to a character not in game.
- STR - Strength
- Strat - Strategy.
- Synch - refers to synchronizing with the server, thus going back to normal. Can be done through instant movements (teleportation, waypoints, portals) to defeat a desynched state.
- Synergy -- Skills that directly boost or are boosted by points in other skills. Very common in D2.
- T/O - Top Offer. Used in trading items.
- TC - Treasure Class
- TE (Tele) - Teleport. A Sorceress Skill on the lightning tree.
- tft - t4t - thanks for that or thanks for trade
- TG - Town Guarding. Hanging around outside town to kill anyone coming out. See PK.
- thx - Thanks
- tking - town killing
- TP - Trading Post
- TP - Teleport. A Sorceress skill on the lightning tree.
- TP - Town Portal
- tppk - Town Portal Personnal Kill
- Transferring - Interchanging items between characters, including activites referred to as muling, twinking and storing.
- Trolling - Making provocative, controversial or offensive remarks, intended to create a confrontational response.
- ttyl - Talk to you later.
- Twinked - Characters (usually low level or starting) using items they have been giving to make the early game much easier
- ty - Thank you.
- tyt - Take your time.
- tyvm - Thank you very much
- Uber - Awesome, Ultimate, Elite. Often used ironically.
- Unid'd - Unidentified item.
- Untwinked - Characters using only what they find
- Vanilla: Single Player term means without mods
- VIT - Vitality.
- Vlld - Also vLLD. Very low level dueling. Limiting the upper level of characters in a PvP duel to limit the items and skills at their disposal. See also LLD and MLD.
- W8 - Wait.
- wb - Welcome back
- WD - Witch Doctor.
- Weap - Weapon.
- Wiz - Wizard
- Woot - w00t. Yippee!
- WoW - World of Warcraft.
- WP - Waypoint.
- WSM - weapon speed modifier or base weapon speed
- WTF - What was that?! Or West Trading Forum.
- WUG - "What you got?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you have to offer?"
- WUW - "What you want?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you want for that item?"
- WW - Whirlwind. A Barbarian and assassin combat skill.
- Xbow - Crossbow.
- Xfer - Transfer.
- XP - Experience.
- y - Yes
- yw - You're welcome
- Zon - Amazon. D2 character.