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Revision as of 10:25, 9 June 2009

Categorisation of people

If we are adding more people to this section, we might want to revisit the entire categorisation of it. Basically, perhaps we should make a [Blizzard people] category, and put them in there (as well as other categories), and let the [Blizzard people] be in [People]?

Also, we might want to put Fan artists and other sorts of prominent community figures in separate categories. How far, I don't know, but separating them a bit. Like:


  • [Blizzard people]
    • [D2 Team]
    • [D3 Team]
  • [Community personalities]
    • [Fan artists]
    • [Fanfiction writers]


Any ideas, suggestions? --Leord 12:25, 9 June 2009 (CEST)