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Legendary Affixes

38 bytes removed, 10:00, 30 June 2015
[[Ancestors' Grace]]
* {{c_orange|When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 100% of maximum Life and resources. <br>This item is destroyed in the process.}}
When losing all [[Life]], you are instead brought back to maximum life and resources. The amulet breaks after being activated. Recommended for use with Hardcore characters.
[[Moonlight Ward]]
* {{c_orange|Hitting an enemy within 15 yards has a chance to ward<br> you with shards of Arcane energy that explode when <br>enemies get close, dealing 240–320% weapon damage as <br>Arcane to enemies within 15 yards.}}
When attacking close range enemies, you have a chance of gaining an Arcane energy ward that damages enemies when they get close.
[[Overwhelming Desire]]
* {{c_orange|Chance on hit to charm the enemy. While charmed, <br>the enemy takes 35% more damage.}}
When hitting an enemy, has a chance to [[Charm]] the enemy to fight for you. Also increases damage dealt to the enemy for the duration of the Charm. A very powerful amulet on a Follower, as charmed enemies will attack other monsters, rather than heroes.
[[Talisman of Aranoch]]
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Cold damage taken and heal yourself <br>for 10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
This rarely-found amulet grants immunity to [[Cold]] damage and prevents being frozen or chilled as well. Cold damage will heal your hero. Entirely Nullifies the threat of [[Frozen]] and [[Frozen Pulse]] effects.
[[The Ess of Johan]]
* {{c_orange|Chance on hit to pull in enemies toward your <br>target and Slow them by 60–80%.}}
When hitting an enemy, has a chance to pull enemies in and [[Slow]] them, just like the Monk's [[Cyclone Strike]] skill. Effective with tanking builds or high damage builds that require enemies to be near you. Also a very popular amulet on Followers.
[[The Star of Azkaranth]]
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Fire damage taken and heal yourself <br>for 10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
This rarely-found amulet grants immunity to Fire damage, and allows for you to be healed by Fire sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Molten]], [[Mortar]], and [[Desecrator]] effects as well as [[Molten]] post-death explosions
[[Xephirian Amulet]]
* {{c_orange|Prevent all Lightning damage taken and heal yourself <br>for 10–15% of the amount prevented.}}
This rarely-found amulet grants immunity to [[Fire]] damage, and allows for you to be healed by Fire sources. Nullifies the threat of [[Electrified]] effects and [[Orbiter]] effects, as well as [[Thunderstorm]].
Other {{c_orange|Legendary Amulets}}
[[Eye of Etlich]]
[[The Flavor of Time]]<br>
|Other {{c_orange|Legendary Amulets}}
These legendary amulets have no special legendary affixes, though they may gain them in future patches.
{{c_green|Set Amulets}}
[[Blackthorne's Duncraig Cross]]<br>
[[The Traveler's Pledge]]<br>
[[Sunwuko's Shines]]
{{c_green|Set Amulets}}
These set amulets have no individual legendary affixes.