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Caravan FAQ

26 bytes added, 23:45, 14 July 2012
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{{Archived|January 2012|[[Caravan]][[Category:Artisans Archive]]}}
Blizzard's official Caravan FAQ, released at Gamescon, August 2010.[] Linked terms point to other wiki articles that add much detail to the barebones info in this FAQ.
A: Professions add depth to the item collection gameplay that drives the action of Diablo III. We want to provide players with an alternative way to acquire gear, potions, and other randomly found items. We also want to provide additional forms of customization for players -- adding jewels, enchants, or sockets to existing gear allows players to further tailor their characters. Many rare crafting [[recipe]]s and [[material]]s are only found as world drops, enhancing the item acquisition process by increasing the diversity of items dropped by monsters.