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The cinematic was first aired at the opening ceremony at Blizzcon 2011. It runs for 3 minutes 24 seconds and consists entirely of CGI with no in-game footage.

It shows Leah, Cain's neice at a desk piled high with manuscripts trying to decipher what her uncle was trying to tell her. Whilst thinking, her gaze falls upon the black soulstone and she drifts into a dream state in which Azmodan reveals himself and his plans

On appearing Azmodan promises

You thought you were so clever, that you would outwit us all. One by one our brethren fell into your trap but not me. I defy you. I know the black soulstone is the key and it shall be mine. Soon my army shall pour forth from the shattered mountain ravaging this world and all hope of resistance . My minions ''will'' find the stone......wherever you choose to hide it. Then, at long last, Azmodan will reign as the prime evil. ~ Azmodan