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Talk:Main Page

643 bytes added, 04:23, 22 September 2011
Mathematical Analysis Policy?
::::2. You need to have a target in line with you and the target behind the target.
:::Then, and only then, you'll get an increased damage bonus. So this skills has a requirement that isn't just numbers, and thus, in my opinion it'd be wrong to say that this skill averages on 350% Weapon Damage, because it don't. There are also some reports that when it pierces the first target, it'll apply the damage to that target again, giving it a total of 280%, but I'm not too sure about that until I see some hard proof. But that's just me. But all in all, calculations are probably good, as long as there arn't too many if/then involved in the calculation. --[[User:Grapz|Grapz]]
::::Here's a video of Hungering Arrow.[] At 2:11 it pierces a zombie at the top of the screen. At 2:12 it turns around and attacks it again. So it remains guided even after piercing. @Brokenstorm: Simplification in case where 0>y<1? Don't you mean 0<y<1? And even so, how could the pierce chance be negative or greater than 1? @TheWanderer That formula says you have a 100% chance to hit once plus a 95% chance to hit again plus a 95%*95% chance to hit again plus a 95%*95%*95% chance to hit again etc.... On to infinity. It comes out to 20 hits on average.
==Diablo III Monsters==
The animals category should be renamed beasts.--[[User:Brokenstorm|Brokenstorm]] 17:45, 21 September 2011 (CEST)