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47 bytes removed, 04:07, 5 March 2011
updated skillbox
{{Skillbox|game= Diablo IIID3
|portrait= Mongrel-sacrifice-arena2.jpg
|portrait-width= 150px
|active= Active
|name= Sacrifice
|ranks= 5
|user= Witch Doctor
|treetier= Tier 3|clvl= 6|description= A nearby zombie dog explodesExplodes a Zombie Dog, dealing X% of the zombie dog’s health as damage to monsters nearby.|type= Direct [[Damage|quantity= % of health|effect= Circular AoE|school= ]]/[[MagicalAoE]]|resource= Costs [[Mana]]|costalabaster= 5 manaUnknown|crimson= Unknown|cast-timegolden= Unknown|cooldownindigo= Unknown|synergiesobsidian= Unknown
The Witch Doctor dispatches his zombie dogs if they are of no more use to him.
The explosion in which the dogs are sacrificed is magnificent, and can easily take out multiple enemies if timed and positioned correctly.
==Skill Rank Table==
==[[Trait Synergies]]==
[[File:Mongrel-sacrifice-arena1.jpg|thumb|400px|Sacrifice in the [[Arena]].]]
Though the [[Witch Doctor traits]] cover bonuses across the board to numerous spell casting exercises, none grant any specific bonuses to Sacrifice.
One [[trait]] does effect Mongrel deaths, though it's not known how these correlate with Sacrificed Mongrels vs. Mongrels killed by monsters.
* [[Unrelenting Assault]] -- : 10% chance that a Zombie Dog will be brought back to life when it dies.
==[[Rune|Skill Rune]] Effects==* None No [[rune]] effects for Sacrifice are known.