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User talk:Leord

1,054 bytes added, 13:36, 14 July 2010
Uniques and Set Items
::::::::On it, will shortly make another comment here, just informing you I am on it, found the cause. --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 13:31, 14 July 2010 (UTC) ::::::::Oki. First off, is there no chance to talk to you directly with icq or msn? Would make things a LOT easier! :P Secondly, I have a few comments. I do NOT know they are all Patch 1.10, but if you add a "?", it kind of fucks up. I am fairly certain they are all 1.10, so if they are not, more skilled people than us can update them imho. If we choose not to display patch, just comment out that choice instead of "?". ::::::::* All items '''must have an ilvl''' at the moment, that is why some pages fuck up. I will fix it shortly. In either way, even later, make sure that ilvl is commentated out, not set to "?" as it fucks up the templates and categories.::::::::* Type = item type - What I mean is that "type" in the list is the sort of item, not slot. At one place you set "Main Hand" for type, where it probably needed to be "Sword".::::::::* Check out [[M%27avina%27s_Battle_Hymn]], which is the closest to perfect a set can come.::::::::* Will get right on the ilvl bugs now :)::::::::--[[User:Leord|Leord]] 13:36, 14 July 2010 (UTC)