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591 bytes added, 14:31, 11 June 2010
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The threat was gone and as time passed the Horadrim's numbers dwindled, and the brotherhood forever gone. The only known descendant of the Brotherhood is a great grandson of Jered Cain, named [[Deckard Cain]], a mere scholar with no experience in magic or battle.
==Known Hierarchy==
'''[[Initiate]]''' is one of the highest ranks a Horadrim mage can have. Known initiates include [[Tal Rasha]] as well as [[Jered Cain]]. []
'''[[Acolyte]]''' is a rank of some description we know not much of. Likely it's a much lower rank than Initiate.
'''Chief Librarian of the Horadrim''' is a pretty self-explanatory title, that might be parallel to "Accolyte" or "Initiate".
==Known Members==
* [[Jered Cain]] - [[Initiate]] of the Horadrim, lead the attack on [[Diablo]]
** [[Deckard Cain]] - Descendant of the Brotherhood, not an actual member
* [[Nor Tiraj]] - [[Acolyte ]] who's journal describes the capture of Diablo, 200 years ago.* [[Tal Rasha]] - Leader [[Initiate]] and leader of the Horadrim, and sacrificed himself to capture [[MephistoBaal]] in [[Tal Rasha's Tomb]]
* [[Vischar Orous]] - Chief Librarian of the Horadrim, member of the [[Vizjerei]] and the [[Zharesh Covenant]]
* [[Diablo II Manual]]
* [[Deckard Cain dialogue]]s
* [[The Nature of the Soulstones]] by [[Jered Cain]]